April 2022 Marks the Start of the Plastic Packaging Tax in the UK

The Plastic Packaging tax will take effect in April 2022 in the UK. The tax will be implemented on all plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled material. This applies to plastic packaging that is manufactured in the UK, as well as any plastic packaging that is imported into the UK. Now, to be clear, the tax does not include packaging that is 30% or more made of recycled plastic. Manufacturers will experience a positive impact by using recycled material as far as benefitting the environment, as well as economically from not being taxed on non-recyclable packaging.

The tax has been established as an effort to reduce, re-use and recycle plastics to keep them out of landfills. It is directed toward the manufacturers and importers, not the consumers. The premise is to focus on a circular economy, be cognoscente of climate change and the ocean’s plastic pollution and explore sustainable options for packaging their products. According to IUCN, “At least 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year and make up 80% of all marine debris from surface waters to deep-sea sediments. Marine species ingest or are entangled by plastic debris, which causes severe injuries and deaths”.

The UN declared war on the ocean plastics problem in 2017, followed by the 2021 Global Treaty that is gaining momentum to regulate the use of plastic. Plastic pollution ranks in the top three for pressing environmental concerns in the world. It’s up to every individual to be conscientious toward our planet and the place we call home.

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