Implementing molded fiber packaging

The time has come to up-date current packaging for your product using a more sustainable option. You investigate molded fiber but the idea of change, keeping up with shipping demands and the unknown process of molded fiber has you worried. Let’s dispel the myths and horrors and offer a simple guide to the process of implementing molded fiber packaging.

  1. The process begins with a discussion with your packaging professional gathering pertinent information.
  • Nature of packaging required, e.g., food, consumer electronics, industrial, etc.
  • Performance parameters
  • Annual volume
  1. An approximate price based on the size of the part and the annual volume will be provided. Along with the unit price, a budgetary cost for prototype and production tooling will be included.
  2. If the commercials are acceptable, our design team will collaborate with you to provide a design of the pulp part; we can use your current packaging and/or design parameters you provide to achieve this. If your existing packaging runs through automation for filling and sealing, we can reverse engineer our pack so that it works on your current line without any additional cost for tooling or modification to the line.
  3. Functional prototypes can be provided for approval and testing.
  4. If needed, changes can be made after your review of the prototypes and revised samples provided.
  1. Once approved, we move into a full-scale production with production tooling. First off samples are made and shipped to our customer for approval.
  2. Upon approval, production begins.
  1. This process can take anywhere from 3-6 months.
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